There is a lot more to walking consistently with Jesus than discipline and plans. Most of our hangups are heart issues. If you’re finding that to be true, one of our elders would love to unpack some of that with you and pray for you. But…we also need discipline and a plan.
We recommend Reading God’s Story: One-Year Chronological Plan. If you are not familiar with a chronological plan, it is laid out in the order the events happened as much as possible (for example, David’s Psalms are listed with the stories of David they relate to).
You can read or listen and keep track of your progress digitally:
Bible app
Or download a printable copy of the plan here.
One of the main reasons we recommend this plan is because of the companion book, Reader’s Guide to the Bible: A Chronological Reading Plan (Handbook). It has a few questions that help you think through and apply each day’s reading (which will be pretty helpful when you’re plowing through Leviticus or Revelation!). The book also has discussion questions that can be a helpful guide for reading and discussing with your Missional Community, your family, or another group.
A word of advice: The point of a reading plan is not to check boxes, it is to immerse yourself in the Word of God and interact with him personally. If you miss some days, give yourself grace, and pick it back up. If you need to slow down, slow down. Finishing “on schedule” is not the point. Spending time with the Lord consistently through his Word is.