How do we know if we’re succeeding?

Yesterday we asked the question, “Are we accomplishing our vision?” and I gave us two filters for how to answer it: our core values and our vision drawing.

It’s helpful for us to circle the wagons every once in a while to do a progress check. Sometimes in the midst of so many things going on we get caught up in busyness and we just keep going because that’s our rhythm. But we need to remember that we do have a purpose, a goal, and we want to work toward that end together, refocusing from time to time and asking ourselves hard questions to gauge our progress and course correct if necessary. This is also known as pruning.

Here’s our vision drawing. Where are we excelling, where do we need to press into obedience together, and what’s your part?


These are the questions I shared to help us gauge if we are living out our core values. Take some time personally to work through these questions, and then ask them about your Missional Community and our church family as a whole. Where are we excelling, where do we need to press into obedience together, and what’s your part?

Gospel (UP)

How have I grown in gospel understanding & self-application?
Am I regularly acknowledging and turning from my sin?
Do I make enough space for prayer?
How do I pursue intimacy with Jesus?
Am I obedient to God’s prompting?

Community (IN)

Do I love the church?
Do I have deeper relationships within the church than I did 6 months ago?
How have I grown in applying the gospel to others?
How am I serving others within the body?
Am I resting enough?

Mission (OUT)

Do I have a heart for the lost?
Am I building relationships with non-church people?
Who have I had gospel conversations with in the last month?
Who outside the church have I had meaningful connections with in the last month?
Who am I praying for?
