God’s Heart for the Fatherless
The Bible makes clear that our lives as followers of Jesus should look remarkably different from the world around us. Because Jesus has become our King and his Kingdom has become our treasure, we will willingly sacrifice ourselves for him and for others.
One of the specific applications God gives of that is caring for vulnerable kids in their distress (James 1.27). The Bible calls God a father to the fatherless (Ps. 68.5) and says that he executes justice on their behalf (Deut. 10.18), and God tells his people repeatedly to do the same (Ps. 82.3).
Caring for the fatherless is not a small theme of the Bible. In fact, it is a clear and explicit picture of the gospel. Romans 8.15 says that while at one time we were slaves (not children of God), thru Christ he adopted us as his sons and daughters. So we are no longer slaves; we are children of God and heirs with Christ. And our adopting and caring for vulnerable kids is a perfect picture of what God has done for us.