Best of the Week: Thanksgiving, After the Election, and Sexting

In Best of the Week we link to a handful of the best articles, videos, books, etc. that we have come across in the last week. We hope this will point you to some of the right places and give you gospel-rich tools and thoughts for life and mission.

Here Comes (U.S.) Thanksgiving: The Unbreakable Link Between Gratitude and Joy

“Paul knew what he deserved. His rightful inheritance was crucifixion and eternal damnation. But because Jesus died in Paul’s place, Paul would never get what he deserved. So no matter how bad his circumstances, the apostle Paul was continually thankful, and therefore continually in possession of spiritual joy. ”

I think a lot of us zoom by Thanksgiving on the way to Christmas (or Black Friday). This is a GREAT article to refocus us on the meaning and reason for gratitude this Thanksgiving week.

Proclaiming a Better Way: Christian Community After the Election

“One of the greatest sins that we have committed during this season is the failure to listen to one another. And it is a sin—a refusal to listen to our brothers and sisters’ grievances is a refusal to love. Rather than reach across the divide to try to understand what the other is saying, we’ve placed ourselves into cliques on Facebook and Twitter, sharing dishonest memes intended to distort the truth.”

This is pretty accurate insight, and it applies to both sides of most issues in the last year or so. If we are really the church, the united people of God, brothers and sisters first and foremost, we have to do better.

What If I Don’t Want to Sing?

“In God’s infinite love, he has not left these people alone. Instead, he has ordained for corporate worship to work not only vertically, but horizontally. In that moment, when the broken believer struggles to address God, we remember that God has told us to address one another with our songs (Ephesians 5:19).”

We talk about this a lot, but there are so many reasons to value and prioritize our worship gatherings. This is yet another good reason why and a great insight into how Christian community is designed to work. Read and consider your pattern.

3 Things Parents Can Do to Help Keep Your Kids from Sexting

“It is more likely than not that your child will, in fact, either be asked or ask for nude pictures before the age of 18.  Those are the stats.  You need to operate under the assumption there are sharks are in the water and stop kidding yourself by thinking your kids are playing in a puddle.”

8 Ways to Persevere in the Parenting Marathon

“Other than a few professional athletes, no one is competing against the other runners. Each just wants to finish. Perhaps you want to beat a personal best time. But the main goal is simply to finish.”

This is pretty short and simple, and has some good encouragements and reminders that I needed to hear. I think they will encourage you, too.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
