Best of the Week: Not Voting, Meeting Your Needs in Marriage, and Sleepovers

In Best of the Week we link to a handful of the best articles, videos, books, etc. that we have come across in the last week. We hope this will point you to some of the right places and give you gospel-rich tools and thoughts for life and mission.

Christian, You are Free Not to Vote

“As citizens of heaven, we are not bound in every situation to participate in the processes of human government. This is not our homeland. We vote — if we vote — because the Lord of our homeland commissions us to vote.”

A lot of conservative Christians would say that we are duty-bound to vote simply because we have the right to, a right that many others in the world do not have. This is an alternative perspective and is especially relevant in light of the choices we are faced with in this presidential election.

Put Not Your Trust in Presidents

“The psalmist admits his (and our) temptation to find hope in men, to put our trust in princes, presidents, and prime ministers. We know better. We know the futility of trusting in men. We know there is no salvation in men—men who were created from dust and who to dust shall return. But still we are prone to try to find our hope in them.”

Great reminder the day before everything changes (again). We are citizens of a different Kingdom, and that should drive us to hope only in a different kind of King.

And believe it or not, there are other things going on besides the election…

Marriage Isn’t Meant to Meet Your Needs

“When we approach marriage expecting our needs to be met, we fail to understand the real nature of love, and we sow seeds of marital destruction.”

The simple truth is that marriage can’t meet your needs. It wasn’t designed to, and when we set it up for that, we are always disappointed, and the consequences extend far beyond our own individual marriages.

Children and Sleepovers: What Parents Need to Know

“I want to be clear: Allowing or not allowing children to sleep over does not necessarily reflect good parenting or bad, spiritual maturity or a lack of spiritual maturity. God gives us freedom and wisdom to decide what is best for our families, what is best for our children. It is my hope that these letters help parents make informed, wise decisions.”

Most of us parents need to put much more thorough and prayerful thought into the things we do and don’t allow our kids to do, and our motivations behind those decisions. This is a thoughtful article to get the wheels turning.

Ok, now back to the election…

Brian Regan on Politics

Just enjoy a good laugh (for stuff that’s funny instead of sad).
