Best of the Week for December 26th

In Best of the Week we link to a handful of the best articles, videos, books, etc. that we have come across in the last week. We hope this will point you to some of the right places and give you gospel-rich tools and thoughts for life and mission.

Do You Make Life Decisions With Your Church in Mind?

“Paul reasoned what was the best decision for himself, then reasoned what the best decision was for the church, and when those two things contradicted each other, he chose what was best for the church.”

As a church leader I’d say, “Please read this.” In our day of individualism, we rarely think about things outside of ourselves when making life choices, but we just don’t see that precedent in the early church. So what might that mean for us? This article helps us think about that. It’s short and has 6 simple ways to do it.

God Will Give You Something to Say

“If I find a guy standing alone, I may stop and say, “Good morning! My name’s John. I run through the neighborhood and pray for people. Is there something I can pray about for you?” From this point on, it is unpredictable.”

This article encourages us to intentionally look for opportunities to share the gospel while acknowledging that it is intimidating and we often don’t what to say or how to start (that goes for most of us, including me). He gives some personal examples and some explanation and talks about the boldness and joy that comes from purposefulness in this area of our obedience.

When Your Husband is Addicted to Porn

“I asked one probing question and my friend burst into tears. “It’s porn.” With that revelation, her pain and emotions overflowed. My heart ached for her. Sadly, this is a conversation I’ve had on more than one occasion.”

A thoughtful article with very gospel-centered council and encouragement for women whose husbands (or boyfriends) struggle with porn. We have to fight our way out of it, and God has given us the community of the church for that journey.

How Does a “Man’s Man” Sing to a “Beautiful” Jesus?

“When a father sees his child snatched away by a wild animal and he throws himself against the animal at the loss of his own life to save his child, everybody knows what we mean when we say, ‘That was beautiful.’”

I’ll let the article speak for itself except to say that I understand the uncomfortable-ness many men feel to sing, especially with much feeling or expression. It just doesn’t feel “manly.” But, like this article says, “The reason [Jesus] is called beautiful is [never] because of his physical appearance, no matter how glorious, but rather because of the excellence of his character and the greatness of his deeds.” So singing to Jesus, passionately, while it may feel appropriate nowhere else for men, is absolutely appropriate in worship. We make it “manly” when we, who act like men (not bravado, but 1 Cor. 16.13 manliness), do it with conviction and humility.

Have a good rest of the week.
