Best of the Week for March 6
In Best of the Week we link to a handful of the best articles, videos, books, etc. that we have come across in the last week. We hope this will point you to some of the right places and give you gospel-rich tools and thoughts for life and mission.
Jesus in Normal, Everyday Conversations
“Here are his three simple tips on sharing Jesus naturally: tell stories about Jesus, tell stories Jesus told, and tell stories about you and Jesus.”
This is a very practical article on why we might not be talking much about Jesus in our regular conversations (with believers and non-believers) and some ways to start to change that.
Four Reasons God Tells You That You’re Chosen
“For many of us, knowing that we’re chosen is the theological equivalent of knowing our social security number—important to get right, sure, but not a detail that impacts our day-to-day lives.”
Read this, and preach the gospel to yourself. It will do your soul good. It is four short ways being chosen by God does impact us in the regular ins and outs of our lives, not just in a Bible study.
The Secret to Raising Faithful Kids
“In my generation, things have changed, and faithfulness is a dying discipline. We float from job to job and church to church, searching for the ones we like best. Our marriages are struggling under the decline in faithfulness as well. All of this begs the question: how do we turn the tide?”
This one is short, but it really caused me to think about what is important and how we get to that, not just with my kids, but especially with them.
Why the Transgender Debate is About Redefining Reality
“The sexual revolution has so subverted public opinion and Christian-influenced morality that teachings about sex that were previously considered immoral or even unthinkable eventually found their way into the classroom as school policy. But a quicker and more effective route to societal change is to simply reverse the process: force an issue to become school policy and eventually opposition to it will become unthinkable.”
This is a relevant one in general, but especially in light of what we talked about yesterday (at Remedy Church) in our Origins series. How do we stand for what is right and true, love those who disagree with us, and trust God above all?
Identity is not Rooted in Sexuality, and That is Good News
Another good one in light of our conversation yesterday.