Best of the Week for May 15

In Best of the Week we link to a handful of the best articles, videos, books, etc. that we have come across in the last week. We hope this will point you to some of the right places and give you gospel-rich tools and thoughts for life and mission.

A Simple Way to Pray Everyday

“The problem of our prayerlessness is not simply with our smartphones or schedules. The problem is with our hearts. So, if we really want to grow in our prayer life, we must take aim at something much deeper than surface distractions: our most inward affections and desires.”

Consistent prayer takes work, discipline, and habit. Those don’t sound all that life-giving, but when we form a habit or prayer, the life will come. For more help in how to pray consistently, check out our series on prayer.

Bible Reading is an Art

“When your Bible reading seems unremarkable, or when it seems like you don’t have the skills or knowledge to grasp all of what’s there, remember that God’s work always runs deeper than we can see.”

This is a short video with some good encouragement for those who have found consistent Bible reading difficult.

Ten Questions Christians Should Ask of Their Entertainment

“Discerning media consumption needs more than a litmus test of saying we shouldn’t watch excessive violence and sexuality (which is true). We need to understand the complex and often subtle effects of media on our lives.”

These questions are piercing. They will land on each heart differently, but #’s 1, 2, & 8 all landed squarely on my chin. May we be much more concerned with our Great King and his Kingdom that the things that keep us entertained.

Weak Moms, Strong God

“These burdens and fears will either consume us and create perpetual anxiety within us or, by God’s grace, they will lead us to the one who is not only in control, but knows exactly what our children need — and loves them more than we ever could.”

As a follow up to Mothers Day, this is a good, grace-pointing post to relieve our anxieties and point us toward faith in a world where we could easily be consumed with grief and worry. We need to be reminded of these things in all our areas of struggle and effort, not just moms.

How Do Busy Women Serve in Women’s Ministry?

“During those years, I didn’t commit to the PTA or book club, I rarely gave time to exercise, and I didn’t watch much TV. Though those activities all held value, I set them aside to make room for ministry because I could feel it bringing something to life inside me.”

Another one for the ladies that could easily be applied to anyone with just a few word or scenario changes. We make time for the things we value most. Jen Wilkin gives five considerations to help you decide how and where to commit your time.

Encouraging Words Young Mothers Need

We’ve got a few of these in our ranks! This is an encouraging listen as a few ladies talk honestly about life and motherhood.

Have a good week.
