Happy June! It’s almost the middle of June, which means the summer is in full swing. so my question to you, especially MC leaders, is how are you using it?
At our last two leaders collectives we talked about a couple of things that I want to remind you of and pose a question about.
Healthy MC’s Take Time and Work
First, we talked the spectrum of a healthy Missional Community.
This drawing oversimplifies things a little, but the general idea is that a Missional Community rarely starts as a fully functional, mature version of what we hope it will one day be, and that’s ok. The same is true with people. We grow to maturity.
When you’re 6 months old, it’s good to lay around, poop, and stare at the fan. When you’re six years old, it’s good to be potty-trained, love to play with action figures, and have a hard time with broccoli. When you’re thirty years old, things should look a little different. Certain characteristics are good for stages and for periods of time. What becomes unhealthy is when you have a thirty year old who still plays with action figures and and lays around waiting on his mom (outside of those with special needs).
The same is true with a Missional Community. We don’t expect a 6-month old community that started with a handful of families who didn’t know each other well or weren’t all believers to look the same as a community that has been together for two years. What is important is that we purposefully move toward maturity together.
As you look at the rhythms, strengths, weaknesses, and overall health of your MC, where would you put yourself on the spectrum? And here’s the question I want to pose…
What are you intentionally doing this summer to grow into a more mature and healthy Missional Community?
A few ideas:
Read a book together on the gospel, mission, or community.
Schedule a series of family dinners.
Plan a cookout and invite neighbors or unchurched friends.
Purpose and Play
At our last MC leaders collective we talked about the balance of purpose and play that exists in a healthy, growing Missional Community.
If we’re all purpose/work/study/accountability/mission, we will eventually tire out, or worse, burn out. We need the relational connection and the fun of laughing together. That’s what families do. (And it oils the engine for the other stuff.)
If we’re all play/eating out together/surfacy/trivial, we will eventually lose our sense of identity and mission. God has called us to grow as his children and extend his grace and gospel to the world. It’s what gospel families do.
What are you intentionally doing this summer to find a balance between purpose and play (especially play)?
A few ideas:
Schedule some evening play dates when all the family can come and get the water toys out.
Go to a movie or splash park together and grab lunch or ice cream before or after.
Go camping together.
Don’t Waste Your Summer
It’s hard for me to believe it’s already June 10th, and before we know it, Summer will be over and school will be starting back. Don’t miss the great opportunity the summer is to grow together as a Missional Community, and in some ways that you might not always prioritize at other times of the year.
If you want to know more about Remedy’s Missional Communities or how you can get involved in one, check us out here.