Reflecting on 8 Years

It is crazy to think that eight years have passed since the initial group of 15 people gathered in an upstairs living room for the first time as the body of Christ at Remedy Church in Waxahachie!  Our family moved to Waxahachie, after serving in SE Asia, in the Spring of 2012 to begin serving alongside the church family that Jesus was building at Remedy. My mind is immediately drawn to the people and families that God called and used to birth Remedy Church, and my heart is full of thanksgiving and praise to our great God for His provision through each one of them.  Some of them cheered us on and prayed earnestly from supporting churches, others the Lord has since moved on for His Kingdom purposes, and several are still a part of the body at Remedy today. These faithful brothers and sisters planted and watered while God gave the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6). I pray each of their hearts are encouraged today as they look back and remember the good hand of the Lord.

The Changes and Growth

Many things have changed in eight years: meeting places and spaces, people and faces, teams to serve on, and chairs to sit in. But one thing has not changed, and that one thing, I believe, is why Jesus is continuing to grow and use His body at Remedy Church. From day one until now our mission to enjoy and extend restored life in Jesus Christ has not changed. We’ve seen God bring life to this vision over eight years by bringing spiritually dead people to life through faith in Jesus, sending mid and long-term laborers from within the Remedy family to serve in the harvest among unreached peoples in Asia, and sending laborers to the Remedy family as we consistently seek the welfare and pray to the LORD on behalf of our city.

God’s word to His exiled people in Jeremiah 29:7 has been a consistent banner that we wave on the battlefield of life and mission at Remedy. “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” This word is life to us today and worth remembering as we look ahead to all the Jesus  is leading us toward.

Sent into exile:  Because this world is not our home, and Jesus is our treasure: we believe that we are sovereignly sent to live in Waxahachie and cities in Asia, and free to give ourselves for the welfare of those among whom we are sent to live.

Seek the welfare: Welfare is defined in the dictionary as: “the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group”. Because we believe that spiritual, physical, and emotional health, happiness, and fortune is only found through restored life in Jesus; we gladly give our time, talents, and resources for the welfare of the people and families in our cities.

Pray to the Lord: We believe that apart from Jesus, and His Spirit moving in and through us, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Therefore, we will continue to strategically pray to the Lord on behalf of the brokenness of people and families in and among the cites He has called us to live.

Reciprocal Welfare:  We believe that God will provide for our welfare as we pray for and pursue the welfare of our city. Jesus tell us in Luke 6:38. “give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” May He keep our hearts and hands open to freely give what He supplies for the eternal good and joy of the people in our cities.

Remedy family, Jesus is our treasure and our future glory and reward with Him has been secured through the cross and resurrection. May these two precious realities continue to release us to pursue the unwavering mission that Jesus has given us to enjoy and extend restored life in Him.
