(Photo by Ben White on Unsplash)
These are intriguing days, are they not? Our rhythms and plans have been disrupted, our selfishness exposed, and our hearts are yearning for clarity and answers as to what the next day, week, and month may hold.
3 truths to hold onto and 1 easy thing you can do
Jesus enters into our questions, worries, and anxiety with great comfort and perspective.
We would do well to heed his counsel and rest in his word today:
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12.32-34
The treasure of knowing and following Jesus, along with the guarantee of the Kingdom, moves our hearts from fear to freedom.
We are free to rest in Jesus as our good shepherd.
We are free to take our eyes off of ourselves.
We are free to turn our eyes to those in our neighborhoods, apartment complexes, and rural roads.
Our hearts need to rest in the freedom that only Jesus brings so that we can listen to and obey all that He is calling us to during these days.
Our new normal during these days of social distancing and home isolation does not negate the call of God on our lives to seek the welfare of our cities and pray to the Lord on their behalf (Jeremiah 29.7). Jesus affirms this call by giving us the command to love our neighbor as ourselves as an overflow of loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10.27).
What is one way that we can exercise our love of God and Jesus’ love for our neighbors?
Most of us can do two simple things that, done together, will turn our eyes towards those around us while also conveying our love for, and dependance on, God. We can pray, and we can walk! If you combine both into a simultaneous activity, you get prayer-walking.
What is prayer-walking?
The simplest definition that I was taught is: Praying on-site with insight. As you walk, what and who do you see? How do these things, and the Holy Spirit inside of you, prompt you to pray in the moment? As an example, this evening as I walked our dog around our neighborhood I passed by neighbors’ homes that we know by name, I saw kids playing in their yard and fresh sidewalk chalk from other neighborhood kids, I saw yard signs for city council candidates, and I waved and said “hi” to three neighbors that I currently don’t know. As I walked by and engaged each one of these things I prayed the following:
“Jesus, bless and keep the _______ family. Show your glory and faithfulness to them.”
“God, protect and bless these children as they are at home in these days. Holy Spirit, guide and protect their parents and family to love them well and keep them safe.”
“God, you govern the rise and fall of all of our leaders. Place the people you want on our city council according your good purposes for our city.”
“Holy Spirit, show my neighbors the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. If they know Jesus, may they cherish Him more in these days. If they don’t know Jesus, convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment and lead them to faith in the Gospel.”
As you prayer-walk, keep your eyes and ears open to the people God is sovereignly placing around you. You may be able to meet a new neighbor, meet a need, pray for a neighbor, or share the great news of Jesus and His love for you neighbor.
Fear not, little flock. Take a walk, and pray!
May King Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, open our eyes and hearts to those around us and may we love our neighbor as ourself.