Following Jesus and Making Disciples
In week 4 of our series Disciple-Making Mission we spent time looking at Jesus’ command to make disciples in Matthew 28.18-20. We were confronted with the reality that many times we have fallen short in our efforts to make disciples and were reminded that Jesus, in love, disciplines those He loves. Disciples of Jesus are marked by repentance when lovingly reproved, disciplined, and pruned by the Father
As we read Jesus’ command to “Go,” we noted that Disciples of Jesus, sharing the message of reconciliation in the gospel, are the means by which God is working salvation, Jesus is calling those who will follow Him, and the Spirit is displaying the power of the gospel. Jesus’ command to baptize disciples reminded us that disciples of Jesus are baptized, and baptize new disciples of Jesus, as a public testimony that they have been raised from spiritual death and given new life in Jesus.
This led us to consider the question: How do we make disciples? We answered the question biblically by saying that disciples of Jesus make present and future disciples by teaching others to learn from Jesus, modeling on-going obedience to Jesus’ words and ways, and calling them in love to do the same. We saw examples from the New Testament that pointed to disciples of Jesus giving of their lives to invest in others while inviting them to follow Jesus with them.
Questions for discussion:
- As you read through Matthew 28.16-20 and listen to the sermon, what do you sense the Lord saying to you? What about to our church?
- What things from the passage encourage you? How are you challenged by how we’ve all fallen short in making disciples?
- How does seeing that God works through our gospel sharing motivate you to make disciples?
- Do you know someone who needs to be challenged or encouraged to obey Jesus’ command to be baptized?
- Who has God placed in your life that you can teach to learn from Jesus through His word?
- How are you modeling ongoing obedience to Jesus’ words and ways? Is there anything you need to repent of as you consider this question?
- Who can you pray for this week, care for this week, and share the message of reconciliation this week?